
March 2022

Apply now

Starting on the 2nd March 2022, Profitnet is a 12 month action-oriented peer-to-peer programme, designed to enable businesses to learn from each other through professionally facilitated confidential group sessions.

Created by innovation expertise at the University of Brighton, to date over 1,300 businesses have taken part in Profitnet, helping them to achieve significant impact on their profit, turnover and employment. 

Profitnet's strength comes from the businesses ability to tap into the business expertise within the group. Member-led and expertly facilitated, each meeting focuses on real business challenges. 

Profitnet is an ideal programme for you if you:
  • Are keen to exchange expertise with other like-minded businesses
  • Would like to join a group of decision makers committed to driving innovation in your business
  • Welcome a confidential professionally facilitated environment to share challenges and innovation ideas
  • Are motivated to implement actions into the business
  • Would like to dedicate time to work on the business, as well as in the business
  • Can commit to a 12-month programme

The programme consists of 12-monthly meetings (three hours each), each including: 
  • Lively peer-to-peer action learning sets to shape company innovation strategy and problem solve day to day business challenges 
  • Opportunity to reflect, plan and implement actions
  • Support to enable innovation for business growth and development
  • Development of company strategy
  • Additional expertise provided through workshops designed to suit the groups needs
Key take-aways
  • Be part of a confidential and professionally facilitated network of SME business leaders focused on growth
  • Benefit from a peer-to-peer learning environment with input from successful business leaders based in your region
  • An impartial overview of your innovation challenges to benefit business growth and resilience
  • Develop your company strategy
  • Increase productivity growth
  • Access University innovation expertise

Apply using the form below, or book a tour with the BRITE team to find out more.

Profitnet has been created by the University of Brighton and is delivered as part of the Brighton Research Information Technology Exchange (BRITE) project. Profitnet is part funded by the European Regional Development Fund and fully funded for eligible SMEs.

Profitnet is just like having your own board of non-executive directors. You can discuss whatever you want and I’ve found over the years the input I’ve had has been absolutely vital as a sounding board for plans, ideas and challenges.

 The ability to have a group who I can bounce ideas and issues off is invaluable.


To apply to one of our programmes, all you have to do to get the ball rolling is fill in the below form which should take no more than 5 minutes.